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expatriate worker中文是什么意思

用"expatriate worker"造句"expatriate worker"怎么读"expatriate worker" in a sentence


  • 外籍工人


  • The findings are designed to help multinational employers determine compensation for their expatriate workers
  • Virtually no member of the middle class , which includes just about all expatriate workers , is without at least one all - night guard
  • In addition , as hong kong becomes more cosmopolitan , the number of expatriate workers could also increase . to - date , no account is taken of the mobile population in the planning framework . nor do we have a good understanding of the background ( e . g . their age structure ) , their travelling pattern ( e . g
    现时,我们仍未完全掌握如何规划流动人口这个因素;事实上,我们对流动人口的资料,包括其背景(如年龄分布) 、往来两地的习惯(如出入境的频密度)及其对本港设施的期望等,所知亦属有限。
用"expatriate worker"造句  


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